Posts tagged differentiation
A No Prep Hack for Unexpected Days

I have always been a big proponent of hands-on classrooms. Inquiry... yes! Project-based learning... yes! However, there are moments where pencil-and-paper work is needed, and I prefer that work to be engaging, meaningful and still FUN.

Using No Prep Books - Poet Prints Teaching

Traditional worksheets are still useful in the classroom.

  • They help students to read and follow instructions

  • They give early elementary students a chance to practice printing and penmanship.

  • They can allow a moment of focused independent work

  • They teach students to organize their thoughts on paper

  • They give students a chance to practice a new skill or show an understanding of a new concept.

Don't get me wrong, worksheets should not be your sole method for teaching and showing understanding. In fact, teaching and learning should be hands-on. But there is a place for a well-design and purposeful worksheet.

I use no-prep books in my classroom to practice important standards-based skills in a fun and engaging way. Check out the four places I use no-prep books in my classroom.

Using No Prep Books as Morning Work

It's no secret I'm a fan of a good morning routine (read about that here), but I do like to make sure that our morning work serves a purpose and is also FUN. I incorporate these seasonal books into our morning work routine to mix things up, provide skills practice, and celebrate fun holidays.

Using No Prep Books for Early Finishers

I use my no prep books as one option to keep my early finishers engaged after they've completed their assigned work. It’s a great way to ensure students have something meaningful to work on while their peers continue on.

Using No Prep Books in a Sub Tub

I keep a master copy of at least two of these books in my sub tub at all times. You just never know when you'll suddenly be out of school for a day (or more) and it's great to leave your sub something fun that's still meeting math and LA standards!

Using No Prep Books when Something Goes Wrong

No Prep Books by Poet Prints Teaching

We've all had something happen in the classroom at some point. The guest speaker cancels. The bus for the field trip doesn't show up. The assembly is suddenly delayed 15 minutes. No matter the mini-emergency, it's great to have a little bit of purposeful work ready to go at a moment's notice. My students always know where their booklets are and I can say, "Let's work on the math puzzles in your Valentine's Book!" Easy peasy! A quick math activity while I figure out a new plan for our day.

These are the BEST to have around as a ‘just-in-case’! I’d love to see how you use no prep books in your classroom. Share a picture and tag me on Instagram, @poet.prints! If you share a picture using one of my No Prep Books (and tag me in it!) I’ll send you another book for free!

No Prep Books by Poet Prints Teaching 2

I have a series of No Prep Books for second, third and fourth grade available NOW in my TpT store. They are print-and-go and available individually or in a discounted bundle!

Why I Love Task Cards

I have to be honest, I had never heard of task cards before this school year.

I know, I’m way behind on this one!

I found out about task cards as a necessity, I had a student who was struggling, and I needed a way to find extra practice for him on that particular topic.

A little bit of googling led me to ... task cards!

What are task cards?

For those unfamiliar, task cards are cards (4-6 usually fit on one 8.5”x11” piece of paper) that have educational ‘tasks’ on them.

Task cards can be created for all subjects.

A set of math task cards would usually come in a pack of  about 20, and would be geared for a particular subject.

They might have questions for a student to solve, things for them to find around the room, or mental math problems for them to figure out.

The great part about task cards is that the cards themselves can be re-used for years to come!

I have to say, I am now one of the biggest advocates of these teaching tools as a method for easily differentiating learning in any classroom.

It is so simple to put together a series of cards for any subject, and then to give them out to different students, as they need to work on a subject.

In my room, we do this most often with math.

(Above: 3D Shape Task Cards easily used with our unit on geometric shapes!) 

Need some extra practice with geometric shapes?  No problem, grab those cards! 

Having difficulty multiplying with tens... no problem, grab the cards and work on that with a buddy who already understands the concept! 

I can easily divide my students into small groups and tailor the lesson for exactly what each one needs, without having to continuously photocopy worksheet after worksheet.

I love that once task cards are laminated, they are reusable and kid-friendly.

I keep mine in a colourful bucket on the carpet and my students have been known to grab a pack in their spare time just to “see if [they] can do it!”

Have you ever used task cards in your classroom? Do you have a go-to pack?

- Rachel

Check out PART TWO of this series, “What to do With Task Cards” for more ideas of how to creatively incorporate task cards into your classroom routines.

The Easy Way to do Subtraction

Subtraction in Third Grade is not always as easy as it looks! 

There are parts I love about teaching.  Reading? Writing?  Speaking?  All over those!  Creative centers and integreated learning? Check and check!

But math?  Sometimes I feel like I am totally 'rocking it' and other times it seems like my lessons go in one ear and out the other!  I have to work extra hard to make sure that my students are getting the best possible math education.  Finding strategies that work for everyone in my class is a constant juggling act! 

Am I alone in this?

I spend my evenings on Pinterest, and reading other blogs about strategies that work for other teachers, and I try to implement them in my classroom.  I desperately want my kiddos to succeed.

Recently, our math curriculum introduced subtraction with missing numbers.  Boy, were we lost.  Do we add?  Do we subtract?  What is the question even asking.  There are so many times when the materials we have (especially the text book), are just not enough!

So I started from scratch.  I made new worksheets, new posters, and a new "cheat sheet" to help guide my confused bunch of third graders.  After a bunch of repeated practice... I think we have it!  Praise the Lord!

So, I am sharing it with you.  Use it, try it, let me know if it helps your kids to master this concept.  Although this is available on Teachers Pay Teachers blog readers can have it for FREE as part of my Free Resource Library (See the link at the top of the page that says 'Resources') when they sign up for my mailing list.  

Once you sign up, the password to the library will come straight to your inbox. PLUS there are other great units and printables in there as well!  

I promise not to spam your mailbox (nobody likes multiple e-mails a month, or even a week!), but it's a great way for us to stay caught up, and for me to send more free lessons and units your way.

Sign up form is below.  Once you've subscribed, let me know what you think in the comment section!

- Rachel

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